Learn how the Leadership Development Academy of Rock County program has helped individuals become better leaders — and how this benefits their employers and community.
LDA Participant Feedback
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) LDA has helped me create many new relationships in Rock County and empowered me to make a difference as a leader in our community.

Andrew Marcotte
Blain’s Farm and Fleet
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” (John Quincy Adams) This quote sums up LDA for me. I’ve learned so much from the many leaders in our community that participated in our class to share and inspire us to become better leaders.

Kathleen Skamel-Worrall
Blackhawk Community Credit Union
I’ve lived in this area most of my life, yet LDA has managed to show me so many things I didn’t know about my community. I will continue to contribute in ways that impact my community positively and network with like-minded people to accomplish those goals. I will forever be grateful for the relationships made here and the lives we’ve touched.

Crystal Fox
KANDU Industries
LDA has taught me the power that people have when they work together to achieve a common good. Together, we can improve our community, and a lot of fun can be had while doing it!

Amy Carey
I was challenged by a quote on leadership that said to “choose the harder right than the easier wrong.”

Joshua Enderle
Beloit Sky Carp
All leaders once followed ... Follow LDA to ignite the LEADER in you!

Trina Jackson
Beloit Regional Hospice/Beloit Health System
LDA teaches you how to better serve your community and become a better person!

Daniel Ozga
Bank of Milton
LDA has allowed us to come together, work together, and succeed together. Let us embrace great challenges that not only affect the individual but a greater societal need. Let’s create a better future and look forward to witnessing successes as we advance causes that make a significant and positive impact.

Dennis McDougall
SHINE Medical Technologies
LDA has a great program for assisting new leaders. Part revelation, part affirmation, part challenge, part validation, the experience has been worthwhile and empowering.

Tim Kienbaum
Town of Beloit
Being a part of LDA has made me introspective and has taught me what it means to be a true "Leader". This program is very effective and it a great resource for our community.

Claudine Manor
Forward Janesville
Being relatively new to Rock County, LDA provided a great opportunity for me to continue to learn more about our community and meet so many wonderful people who work to make Rock County what it is.

Matthew Robinson
City of Janesville
Through the class discussions, activities and community involvement projects in LDA, I have learned a lot about myself personally and professionally. I’m excited to use this new perspective to grow as a leader and community member in Rock County.

Katie Crist
United Way
My experience through the LDA and my group’s project of “Revitalizing Recovery”, in particular, opened my eyes to the power of the many personal and professional connections I already had and hadn’t been fully utilizing. I am thankful for the new connections created through the LDA process and excited to tackle everything life brings my way.

Al Herbst
Johnson Bank
My LDA adventure has been a great one and I've met many great people along the way ranging from homeless to CEOs. Community involvement really was the heart of the program and provided many warm and fuzzy experiences. Thanks LDA for all the great memories.

Brad Huber
City of Janesville
LDA has been instrumental in both my professional and personal growth, but more importantly it has created opportunities for me to get more involved within the community I adore so much!

Daniel Jackson
School District of Janesville
Leadership development is just one of many facets to the Leadership Development Academy program. LDA has helped me to develop my skills as a leader, but may have had an even larger impact on me as a person. I will be forever grateful for the people I have met, experiences I have had, and personal growth I have achieved through my participation in LDA.

Ethan Lee
City of Janesville
LDA has been a wonderful experience and has taught me many things, both personally and professionally! Rock County has amazing leaders. I’m looking forward to continuing to have an active role in the community.

Amanda Pellizzi
Prent Corporation
LDA has provided me with a unique opportunity to network with many talented people throughout Rock County. As a participant, I have become more aware of the amazing possibilities available to all of us wanting to make a difference. I have learned so much about myself and how to work more effectively with others to achieve wonderful things for our community. I am grateful to all those who support this phenomenal program!

Teresa Riesterer
Blackhawk Community Credit Union
My journey with LDA has allowed me to grow into a better person, overcome several fears and opened my eyes to the real needs of our community. I’ve always felt I could do more with my time; but just didn’t know what. With LDA, it’s mentors and guest speakers, my involvement with the community has increased.Thank you Linda Ross and the LDA Team Members for providing such a wonderful program!

Beth Wallace
ANGI Energy Systems
Participating in the LDA was one of the best decisions I've made. Not only did it help me understand the people, places, businesses, and organizations that make Rock County what it is, it also helped me find my niche in the community. I use lessons learned during LDA almost daily in my life, business, and the community.

Eric Kuznacic
Why The Fuss? Technical Solutions
Through my LDA journey, I emerged having a greater understanding of myself and my leadership style, nurtured my ability to effectively communicate with others, enhanced my team-building skills (and made some amazing friendships along the way), and gained a deeper understanding of the needs of the community I live and work in.

Katrina Bird
REALTOR®, First Weber
Leadership Development Academy has taught me so many things about our community, about working as a team, and about myself. I am extremely thankful to (Executive Director) Linda Ross, the LDA Board Members, my employer, my team and new friendships I have made during my time at LDA.

Jenny Ryan
Applied Ecological Services
The LDA opened up my eyes to myself and my abilities, and the needs of our community. LDA taught me how to be impactful and to use the resources of teammates to move us forward. Thank you to all of the mentors, sponsors, businesses and especially (Executive Director) Linda Ross for making our LDA journey so great!

Lily Lux
ANGI Energy Systems
My journey over the last 10 months with LDA has been filled with self-awareness, collaboration, networking opportunities, new friendships and the chance to step out of my comfort zone on more than one occasion. Thank you to all who joined me on this journey, it was a very rewarding experience.

Tammy Eliszewski
Town Bank

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